Akudama Drive Hindi Dubbed - Explore the dynamic cityscape of Kansai, a high-tech hub adorned with cybernetic screens against neon backdrops. Despite its appearance as a technological marvel, Kansai harbors a hidden underworld—the realm of notorious fugitives known as "Akudama." Delve into the city's dark alleys, where, amidst the glow of brightly-lit structures, an unforgiving criminal underbelly thrives.
In the midst of this, Kansai police initiate the countdown to the public execution of the notorious "Cutthroat," an Akudama responsible for 999 deaths. However, a cryptic message disrupts the impending execution, rallying elite Akudama to liberate Cutthroat for a lucrative reward. As the city becomes a battleground for these enigmatic individuals, an unseen force orchestrates a gathering, transforming the execution into a potential bloodbath. Experience the intrigue and peril as Kansai's secrets unfold in this cybernetic metropolis.
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Season 1 Episode 1-6
Season 1 Episode 7-12
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