Spy x Family Hindi Dubbed - In the delicate balance between the neighboring nations of Ostania and Westalis, corrupt politicians, fervent nationalists, and other warmongering forces persistently threaten the fragile peace. Amidst these challenges, the renowned spy and master of disguise known as "Twilight" courageously undertakes perilous missions. His relentless efforts aim to safeguard a world where no child must endure the harrowing realities of war. Within the vibrant city of Berlint in Ostania, Twilight assumes the identity of "Loid Forger," a respected psychiatrist. However, his true objective is to gather intelligence on the elusive politician Donovan Desmond. Donovan, who seldom appears in public, is linked to the prestigious Eden Academy where his sons attend. Teaming up with Yor Briar, an unmarried city hall clerk posing as his wife, and adopting the inquisitive six-year-old orphan Anya, Loid executes a strategic plan. The goal is to enroll Anya in Eden Academy, anticipating her success will provide him with the opportunity to meet Donovan discreetly. Challenges arise for Loid as he navigates the complexities of playing the role of a loving father and husband. Meanwhile, Yor, operating undercover as the "Thorn Princess," an underground assassin, and Anya, a young esper with mind-reading abilities, guard their own secrets closely. Despite the foundation of this seemingly idyllic family being built on deception, the Forgers discover that the love they develop for each other transcends all else. As the intricate web of intrigue unfolds, the Forgers find solace in the bonds they share, offering a unique perspective on the blurred lines between truth and fiction.
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Season 1 Episode 1-4
Season 1 Episode 5-8
Season 1 Episode 9-12
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bro season 2 upload karo please
December 16, 2023 at 10:53 pmThere is not full season 1 episodes. There are 25 episodes in spy x family but there is only 12 episode Season 1 is divided into 2 parts first 1-12 then 13-25 that shown at different time.
April 23, 2024 at 12:06 pm